Friday, February 27, 2009

She's cute, what can I do?

I have tried to think of a punishment for her cutting her hair. But, she is so cute that I just can't think of one. And that fact that she told me she cut her hair so that it would look like Sabrina's, well what am I supposed to do?

Here she is as cute as can be and looking awfully proud of herself.


IandS said...

What a little stinker :) She looks way too cute and has such an adorable smile.

just the five of us said...

Hey, I think her hair is really cute that way! I mean it could of been worse right? She could of lopped it off, and started cutting at a higher spot closer to the scalp then the only option would have been a buzz!:D

Still Grinnin' said...

You look great Sophie.
What a winning smile and what a cute hairdo.
Grampa May

Still Grinnin' said...

You have to admit that she is very very pretty with short hair. Who would of guessed it? Short hair on a little girl. So much easier too!!

Anonymous said...

AWW..she looks cute and very grown up....I love the haircut on her cute face...!!!