Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Bet

Earlier today my sister Susan did a cute post about Dan.

But, I felt I should clear up some confusion about a cheese head.

About a month ago Dan and his friend Ryan made a bet. Ryan told Dan if it was a boy that he had to wear a Green Bay Packer's shirt to the Chicago Bears game in Seattle.
Dan is a HUGE Chicago Bears fan.

Dan told Ryan if it was a girl (we were sure it was) that he had to fly a Seattle Seahawk's flag outside their house. Ryan is a HUGE Oakland Raiders fan.

The outcome has been decided and even though Dan lost he still feels he won.

The Baby is.............

It's a ............


I about fell off the ultrasound table.

Dan has not stopped smiling since we found out. I could post a pic of the evidence but not sure if I want that out there.