Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The other day we received a request from Sabrina's teacher for a baby pic. We started going through pics and realized that we could only tell some of the pics apart by the background. So we decided to do a test to see if anyone can tell the difference.

First pic:

Second pic:

Third pic:

Fourth pic:

Family can guess but they probably already know which ones are which the rest of you good luck.


Chasey Family said...

okay, that is a tuff one, they do look like clones! My guess, and this is a shot in the dark, is that they are in order 1-Sariah 2-Sabrina 3-Sophie 4-Savannah. So are you guys even a little excited about the Cardinals in the Super Bowl, we are! And I promise I'm not trying to rub it in! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going with the second picture....I think...yeah fure sure....I think...but boy do they all look alike?...good thing they're not'd have to have a tattoo on their forehead or something! GO Cards!!!love ya!

Susan said...


make sense?

Still Grinnin' said...

So, Susan called and we decided together who was who. I hope that we were right. They are little clones. But the cutest little clones you ever saw.

inkyfamily said...

I thought I was the only family with clones! That is too funny! I couldn't even guess!

just the five of us said...

I agree with Jen that the girls are posted in order:) and i think I only saw savannah once before you moved.

Brenda said...

Oh my gosh! NONE of my 6 babies looked alike! They ALL look like my little Savannah...and I miss them ALL too! You too! Hope you are loving life!

dbosted814 said...

1. Sabrina
2. Savannah
3. Sophie
4. Sariah

Susan said...

time to update your blog!