Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Four year old

I know this little girl.... we will call her Sophie. Mommy has been tired lately and not feeling so hot. She is a sweet and very good girl. There are days when she gets into things. For instance the day she got into the salt AND pepper and dumped it all over daddy's recliner, AND her bed (when asked why she put it in her bed she told me it was because it tickled her feet). Then there was day she popped all the keys off of my brand new laptop. Or the day she went outside while I was laying down. I still have no answer for that one. Mommy doesn't take naps any more unless daddy is home.

I love this little girl.


Timani said...

OH MAN! I've had a few of those! I finally learned that I could lay down IF and only if they were in their childproof bedroom playing and I stayed in their room, closed the door and laid right in front of their door so they couldn't get out. That was my only down time. I used that with 3 different kids.

just the five of us said...
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just the five of us said...

So,are you going to have a boy this time? My nephew took the permanant marker to my sisters couch once! OUCH!! I should knock on wood, because my kids have never done anything to crazy.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Hope it's your son, but if not, hey more girls :).
You should see some of the things my boys can get into and or create, let's just say, thank goodness we're sealed for eternity, otherwise, I'd be selling each of them....oh and the older they get the older the attitude....love you guys out there!

Four Boys and A BABE said...

When do you find out what your having???? Our homes are soo different :) barbies vs footballs.